Sunday, June 28, 2009

Gold Coast Pet Expo 2009

Yesterday was the first day of the Gold Coast Pet Expo being held at Varsity Lakes so Mum, Dad, Pepe and I headed off early for the long drive to the show grounds. It had been raining steadily overnight so we were worried that the day would be a wash out but the sun came out as the expo was starting and it stayed fine all day.

Me hamming it up for the cameras at GAP's indoor display.

Dimity dropped by to say hello (Dimity is the greyhound formerly known as Ruby Shirley, a previous House of Hound foster favorite).

Leanne cuddles Smartie at the outdoor display while Jaydee is on duty at the inside display.

Jaydee dreaming about her Mum at the indoor display.

Dad says that you normally don't see guys dressed in fur being lead about with a leash by girls at family events!

I thought my outfit was silly but this guy made me feel better (although he was doing his bit for Surf Life Saving Australia, a very worthy cause).

And then there was this sight which made us all feel better about our outfits, at least we could take ours off. LMAO!

Bye for now Readers - Murphy.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Goodbye Sweet Tuffy

It is with great Sadness we say goodbye to our special friend Tuffy.

Tuffy had character and charm and was a lovely boy. Our thoughts are with Donna and Steve at this time. The memories we have we will cherish we will miss our friend.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Space Invaders?

Dad fell asleep in front of the TV last night (after getting up because he was not able to sleep in bed, honestly I'll never get humans figured out!).

He was complaining of a sore neck and of dreaming of a weight on his chest while he slept. Dad says he must have slept at a strange angle and the rest was just a silly dream. He doesn't know that I took this photo last night that shows the real reason for his "dream" and current malady.

Clearly we need a bigger couch at the House of Hound given all the couch potatoes that live here (the forty mile per hour kind and the other two legged kind). Whats worse is that there was no room for me!

Bye for now Readers - Murphy.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Lunch with Aunty Leanne

Since it was my birthday last Friday, Mum, Dad and I were invited around to Aunty Leanne's home for a BBQ lunch. It was a lovely day with lots of Greys in attendance and a great lunch was cooked by Leanne's dad and brother.

All the hounds were very well behaved on the day. Aunty's cat Sox managed to avoid being confused with a racing lure and will continue to rule the roost. We also got treated to dog safe cupcakes as well as having some sausages left at a careless height by Leanne's nieces.

Leanne's greyhound Jaydee did manage to pinch Leanne's steak because the other greys "pretended" to be interested in the pavlova thus providing the distraction required for a quick counter surf by our hostess. Oh well, such is life!

Me dreaming about chicken drumsticks for some reason during my pre-lunch snooze.

Our hostess Jaydee showing us how its done after her counter surfing was a success.

Smartie & Charlie getting in some practice as well.

Here I am doing my best echidna impersonation on a carob cupcake, Mmmmm carob cupcakes uuuhhh!

The post lunch snooze.

Bye for now Readers - Murphy.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Snug as a bug!

Hi Readers, I've had a lot of email asking me where I got Homer's and my coats shown in my post of 3 May this year.

Our aunty Suzanne made them for us. Aunty Suzanne runs "4 My Dog" which specialises in exercising canines (as if I need exercising!) as well as making lovely doggy coats to keep my canine brethren warm over winter.

Please drop her an email or call her on 0448 946 026 if you are interested in any of her services as she would only be too glad to assist. Just mention my name for a special deal!

Aunty Suzanne and some of my friends & I in warmer times.

Bye for now Readers - Murphy.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Introducing Pepe

It was my birthday yesterday and Mum & Dad got me a new foster sister to celebrate with (I'm still waiting on my "real" present - Cheapskates!).

I would like to introduce you to Pepe. She is a five year old brindle girl who is very shy at the moment as she came to us directly from the university vet science department after being desexed. I'm sure with lots of TLC she will fit right in at the House of Hound and we are very excited to have her here. In fact, we have received feedback from unexpected places on her arrival, please see below for details!

When asked about Pepe's arrival, Bumblebee Man said "Pepe es un galgo muy hermoso y lo amarĂ¡ en la Casa del Hound"*

The three amigos enjoying the morning sun.

Pepe relaxing at Casa del Hound.

The last word goes to Mr Homer S of Springfield.

Anyway Readers, I'm off to find out where Dad keeps the salt and lemon wedges as Pepe wants to teach me a new game for my birthday with her "special" water. Bye for now - Murphy.

*Bumblebee Man's translation provided by MS Outlook - If I have insulted anybody or suggested that their lineage is suspect or that their parent's marital status was dubious at the time of their birth please direct all complaints to Mr B Gates, Seattle, USA - Murphy.

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Overnighter

We had an overnight guest at the House of Hound yesterday.

Her name was Amy whose racing name was "Miss Bossy Boots" (Dad says he thought that was Mum's racing name?). I found out later that she is my half sister as our sire was Big Sam Banner (Greyhound of the year in 2002). Given her impeccable breeding lines, she was naturally very attractive and we had an instant camaraderie.

Amy went to her trial home at Caboolture today but I'm sure they'll fall in love with her. It will be nice to have one of my sisters living so closely to me.

Amy settles in for the night.

Early morning - "What hour do you call this,wheres my coffee?"

Waiting to pounce on my half brother.

Early morning playing with Sis.

Bye for now Readers - Murphy