Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Have a Greyt Australia Day

Hi Readers, it is Australia day today so I would like to wish all Aussies everywhere a greyt day. Please keep those who have lost everything in the devastating floods and fires in your thoughts.

Prancer models his Australian gear against a backdrop of a Cooktown orchid which is our State's floral emblem.

Well after that dizzying tour experience, I'm off for a snooze then a BBQ lunch. See you later Readers - Murphy.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Webbed Paws

Hi Readers, I promised that I would post some pics of the flooding around the House of Hound so here they are. Thanks to everybody that sent their offers of help and best wishes. A big thanks goes to my uncle Peter and his family Bryce, Conor and Jodie-Sue who helped us clean up the muck that was in our shed. We would still be doing that if they hadn't helped!

We would also like to thanks our neighbours Brian and Pam who looked after the two greyhounds we rescued that morning before we needed rescuing. Both hounds are fine and are heading back to their home today.

Dad and all the hounds swam out and the water was at least five feet deep. Honey slipped her collar as was being swept down the driveway next door towards the creek but Dad was able to swim back and get her to safety. We were still much luckier than the residents of Brisbane, Ipswich and the Lockyer valley who had their homes inundated, swept away and who were unable to save their family and pets from the rising waters. Please keep them in your thoughts.

I hope you find the pics interesting -

 Jess and Honey watch the rain with concern.

Cutlet on Patrol and starting to get soggy hooves.

The goats take shelter in our carport. The water was about six feet from our back patio at this stage.

Another view of the riding school and back paddock.

A view of the front of the house, the water ended up reaching halfway up the fence.

The back patio under water. Dad wasn't able to get the goats and cow out so he put them in here. Luckily all were OK when we were able to return home.

When we returned home we found a lot a water in a few rooms.

The flood waters moved all this fencing which came to rest against our shed.

Assorted articles washed into our alcove. Some of it was even ours.

The pool pumps went for a swim.

Inviting no?, well no!

This six foot log floated into the back paddock.  (where it will be staying!)

We were all very wet and cold after the swim out so Mum and Dad dried us off and wrapped us up to warm up. Jess and our foster Sally take a snooze and dream about their big day.

The back patio after the water drained away. Blah!

Cash the rescued greyhound wonders what its all about. He soon regained his playful nature.

The debris line shows how high the water rose, this is an eight foot fence.

Well readers, I must be off now as there is still a lot of cleaning up to do. We have been helping Dad by staying calm, offering helpful suggestions and watching him work. All this supervision has made me tired so I'm off for a nap. Bye for now -Murphy

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Homer (and Granny)

Hi Readers, what a week its been for the house of hound residents. Yesterday started off OK with my Granny's birthday and ended with Dad and the hounds having to swim to safety when the floods hit Brisbane. Mum was out rescuing two greys that were in danger of drowning as the area they were in was being evacuated. I'll show you some pictures of that event soon but rest assured that we are all fine and back in residence. It would also have been a great funniest home video with Dad trying to hold a bag with some clean clothes in it above water while being pulled in several direction by hounds all keen to show their personal swimming style.

Anyway, brother Homer had his 8th birthday today so we were very glad that we were all together to celebrate it. It also stopped raining which Homer said was in honour of the great day. We didn't really care why it stopped raining but were just glad it did!

 Brother Homer enjoys a birthday stretch in the sunshine.

Even the chooks were glad of some sun to dry off their feathers.

Until next time readers - bye for now - Murphy.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Water Baby

Hi Readers, happy new year to you all. 

Today was the first fine day we have had for a while, with an area the size of Texas underwater in Queensland from the recent flooding. It is also very humid after the rain so Prancer thought he would go for a dip in the pool to cool off.

Checking out the temperature to make sure it was just right.

Well, look who doesn't need a life jacket to go swimming. Show off!
And here he is sitting in the spa after his big swim.

Well Readers, I must go and check out the Sunday papers now as all that activity has made me tired. Until next time Readers, bye for now - Murphy.