Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas Everybody

All of us here at the house of hound would like to wish you and yours a very merry Christmas. We hope you have a peaceful and relaxing time with your hounds and two legged family.

Peggy the greyhound and Harvey the official GAP testing dog are staying with us over Christmas. They are missing there mum but looking forward to some turkey and ham later today.

Well Readers, stay safe and keep loving your hounds. I'm off for some eggnog and a snooze before lunch. Bye for now - Murphy.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

GAP Christmas Party

Hi Readers, after our party was cancelled last week due to the rain and the subsequent flooding of our venue, we headed off today to celebrate a greyt year for GAP. We have had a heap of dogs adopted, introduced a professional and accountable business structure, continued to spread the word about what greyt pets we make and had a lot of fun doing it.

We had a terrific time today with a doggy day spa set up were we hounds could be bathed, have our nails trimmed and a dental exam performed by Karen. Santa Paws was there with Rudolph the red nosed whippet who delivered presents of dental sticks for the hounds and sweets for the kids (although we think it should have been the other way round). Jess, Leanne and Dad looked after the BBQ duties, the bar was open for the adults, raffles were run and won and a heap of terrific GAP merchandise was sold. We raised heaps of funds to kick off the new year with. Thank you to everybody who helped out and who donated.

Several potential adopters dropped by to see how greyt we are for themselves and our foster Freddy went to his forever home today. It was fantastic to catch up with everybody again.

Keep your eye out in the photos for GAP test dog Harvey in his "access all areas" outfit.

I must be off for a snooze and check up on dinner as the word is that some sausages made it home for our dinner. Bye for now - Murphy. 

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Smooth Character

We found this chap had paid us a visit when our long billed Corella Beaky sounded the alarm. The birds were quickly rescued and we got some pics of the intruder. It was a beautiful carpet python about two meters long.

"I'm not after the birds, I just heard there was a BBQ on!"
"Why yes, I am quite a long fellow"

"I'll just spend the night if that's OK"

I understand that nearby Caboolture township got its name from the local aboriginal tribe. The name means "'place of the carpet snake". I can see why.

Anyway Readers, he stayed for a few days and has now moved on. Of course, that begs the question "where is he now?"

I'm off to shut the doors. Until next time, bye for now - Murphy.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Happy Birtday Granddad

Hi Readers, there is another birthday at the house of hound as Monday the 13th is Granddad's birthday. I'm not sure how old he is but I think its 595 in dog years.

Granddad with Cocker spaniel puppy Scootles.

Happy birthday and big licks from all of us here Granddad.

Bye for now - Murphy.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Prancer

Hi Readers, this Sunday is Prancer's 6th birthday. Happy birthday from everybody at the house of hound big fella.

Prancer on patrol in the dogarium.

Until next time readers - bye for now - Murphy.