Sunday, July 13, 2014

Samford Show 2014

Hi Readers, what a busy social schedule I have had lately. I visited the Dayboro show last weekend and the Samford show this weekend. We had a greyt time meeting heaps of visitors to the GAP stand and loved all the cuddles we received. It was also mum and dad's anniversary so it only natural that they would want to spend the day with me.

I hope you like the photographs -

"Cold?, you should have been here yesterday!" ...
... No seriously, it was two degrees on Saturday at the showgrounds. Ozzy, Teddy , Lucy and Coco rugged up against the cold.
Trish watches on as Ozzy gets a relaxing massage to prepare him for the busy day ahead.
And not a moment too soon as Ozzy gets a group hug from this young family.
Teddy smooches this young human pup while checking out his pram for rusk remnants.
Zuma made sure this young lady was being sun smart even in the winter cold.
People were going head over heels to get to the Gap stand.
Ozzy posing with a young admirer.
Dragons were very popular at the show this year...
... With "How to train your Teddy" being released by DreamWorks later this year.
Coming soon to a cinema near you -  "Police Academy XXXIV - Greyhounds on Patrol".
This little guy just heard how fast greyhounds can run and realised his racing days might be over.
"What do you mean I'm too short to ride the roller coaster?".
Dolly getting a pat at her first promo. She and Zepp did really well.
 Mum with Teddy enjoying the sun.
Loki was wondering when he would get to the mutton under all this wool.
 Teddy chilling out and cuddling.
 Zuma with a young friend.
Hayley standing watch over the show bags.

"Quick, call agents Mulder and Scully, an alien has eaten all the sherbet fizz from the sample bags." Perhaps they can investigate Hayley's mystery tummy ache as well.

Our greyt volunteers with their humans.
A quiet moment with Teddy and a visitor to the stand. Teddy said he was very comfortable to snooze on.
Marlin showing his deep dish drinking style today.
Mum thought this might be a quicker way to pack up the display at the end of the show. She was wrong.
 Teddy hoping that a stray treat would find its way into his mouth.
Ozzy used his charm and was let off with a warning about the proper uses of police vehicle tyres.
Lucy smooching a potential adopter at the display. She can really work the charm!
Well, some of the hounds didn't know what to make of the pipe band but being of Irish decent I loved them.
There was an awkward moment when Lucy mistook this gent's sporran for a treat pouch. Whoops!
"I blow raspberries in your general direction" said this french mastiff to Eddy.
Ozzy's charm offensive continues.
"Last cuddles, last cuddles" as we call time on another great year at the show.
As the sun set over the mountains we forgot about the tent pegging method of closing up and headed for home...
.. with dreams of Dagwood dogs and fairy floss dancing in our heads.

Well Readers, I'm off to rest up for the coming week. Check back soon for updates on my busy schedule. Until next time - bye for now - Murphy.

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