Saturday, March 21, 2009

How embarrassing!

How embarrassing! Here I am on stage with my friends Naomi from GAP and Dr Harry and I was filmed wearing those silly wings that they put on me as part of the Greyhounds are heaven sent promotion (I don't know the names of the human pups as they were randomly selected from the hundreds who are members of the Murphy fan club).

We are doing a demonstration on the correct way for human pups to meet strange dogs. I must apologise for the quality of the video as Dad was kneeling on a concrete floor with no tripod and the sunlight was streaming in behind me (thats his excuse anyway). Anyway, all went well and Dad was very proud of me for behaving with all the noise and lights about.

Afterwards I was rewarded with a massage from my Mum for being a good boy. Bye for now.

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