Monday, May 17, 2010

2010 Brookfield Show

Hi Readers, Prancer and I have just completed three long days promoting GAP at the Brookfield show. It was great to catch up with all our friends who visited us last year and to make new friends this year. The hounds were as popular as ever and I hope you like the following photos -

The paparazzi marking our position with smoke.

Me doing what we greys do best.

Aunty Brooke puts her lunch at risk.

Cathy and Jelly spreading the love.

Talkin' about hounds.

Prancer checks out this officer's pocket for treats.

Prancer hears a secret.

A fan checks out Prancer's coat

Licorice gets a cuddle while I watch on.

Prancer and I on alert.

Part of my fan club.
I give Fiona a cuddle.

More visitors to the stand.

Some non greyhound related entertainment.

Jelly takes a break.

Jay-Jay enjoys some ice cream dots.

Kenny (who tells me she recently turned five) and her dad Ron.

I take a break with Licorice.

Men with sticks.

The much less threatening men with hankies.

Prancer enjoys some soft serve.

I continue my attempt to steal Brooke's lunch.

I have a quiet cuddle with a girl guide. There were girl guide biscuits everywhere during the show.

Otto gets some lovin'

Prancer wins another heart.

I'd love to show you pictures of all the happy school children patting us but thanks to all the left wing hippy nanny state regulations I can't :( (well I could but we promised the school we wouldn't).

A couple of young punks.

Is Hogwarts near here?

Zoe has been adopted and is off to her new home today, yeah!

Until next time Readers - bye for now - Murphy.

1 comment:

drongo said...

Hey, good to see all the shots of Brookfield - for some reason it dropped off my Mum's radar this year- how come I never got a chance to goggle at Morris dancing?

Take a look at The Common Shrew for the new interactive greyhound-interest series Smokin'Jackets ....

Warm paws to you all from The Wiz