Sunday, December 9, 2012

GAP Brisbane's 2012 Christmas Party

Hi Readers, today was our Christmas party and I was so excited to see everybody at Decker Park at Brighton. We had about one hundred humans and almost as many dogs at today's party and it was lovely to see some of our trainers and owners drop in with the next batch of GAP recruits.

The guys from the BBQ company did a great job and we all enjoyed sausages, bacon, eggs and fruit juices for breakfast.

I hope you enjoy the photographs -

Just another beautiful Queensland morning!
The park was quiet when we arrived ...
 .. but soon it was full of greyhounds and their owners enjoying themselves.
The queue for breakfast starts here!
Santa Portia dropped by to spread some Christmas Cheer.
Luna and Zuma are the best of friends so we made Luna a grey for the day.
Honourary greyhound Gus made us all smile with his costume.
 As did big sister Dreamy.
A nice family shot of these two Border Collies and their kin.
We had the pick of the park today and chose a nice shady area.
Tia came dressed as a Christmas tree and gets a hug from her human.
Big sisters can come in handy some times.
Some of the party goers.
 Luna keeps hydrated in the hot weather.
 Barb with her hound Saddle.
This plover thought he might be Christmas lunch if he attacked the greys so decided to bother these Lycra louts instead.
Aunty Gail and Mum (and me!) talking about what a great year GAP has had.
Beck presented Aunty Gail and Mum with a lovely thank you card for all their hard work with the hounds this year.
We all went for a paddle after breakfast (and before dessert) as it was so hot today.
Eddie walking on water. I think he looks like a giant prawn!
Sue and Kristy with hounds Kyle and Sam cooling down.
 Yours truly having a paddle...
.. while Liam found another way to stay chilled.
Gracie appears to have lost her purse and high heels. Dad says he sees this a lot on the train.
So many party goers and their humans. Its fantastic to see how popular I greyhounds are.

Thanks again to Mum and Aunty Gail for organising today and for their long hours at GAP finding homes for we greys and educating the public about our gentle natures. We had dozens of dogs who didn't know each other here today and everybody got on really well. Thanks to everybody who bought along yummy treats for usl.WellReaders, I got a little too much sun today so I'm off for a snooze. Bye for now - Murphy. 

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