Sunday, August 5, 2012

Pre Ekka Movie Night

Happy Sunday to you Readers, you might have heard that team GAP will be spending ten days at the Queensland Ekka promoting the GAP's greyhounds as pets service. While I'll be starring as always, my canine brothers Prancer, Eddie and Ozzy will also be making an appearance to handle my fan boy overflow.

Anyway, as we are going to be exhausted from all the patting and greetings we thought a movie day would be a good way to relax before the show.

Hope was on the edge of her seat while brother Homer was less than impressed with Mums choice of movies.

Well Readers, I guess we boys should have known better than to let mum choose all the movies on her own. All those rom coms look the same after a while. See you after the Ekka. Bye for now - Murphy.

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