Saturday, June 16, 2012

Finally, a fine weekend!

Hi Readers, I'm often asked about the other animals that I graciously share my home with. As today was the first fine weekend day for ages Dad was able to mow the lawn and then we went on a walk to visit the outdoor family and neighbours.

I hope you like the photographs -

Rocky the wonder goat says hi.
Patty and Selma Tia and Lucy keep an eye on proceedings. Lucy is Rocky's mum.
Our neighbours at RDA's cartmill centre doing the wonderful work they do to help special kiddies have fun while improving their balance and confidence.
 Some free loading ducks on one of the dams.
 An arty water reflection shot.
Lucy is never far from her boy in case he needs her.
 Our of our neighbours having a chat over the fence.
He also wanted to get a better look at the RDA horses.
"That's the second biggest dog I've ever seen" says Homer.
Ok, who can say that they don't enjoy a good ear scratch every now and then.
Prancer worn out after the property inspection.

Thanks for stopping by Readers. I must go and have my lunch and then perhaps a snooze. Until next time - Murphy

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