Sunday, April 3, 2011

Greyt Mates Walk @ Toowong.

Prancer and I went to the Greyt Mates walk at Toowong this morning. We arrived at the lovely Anzac Park (that the government wants to turn into a freeway, much to the disgust of the locals) to catch up with loads of friends and their humans.

We even had the agility park to ourselves once the owner of a small fluffy pooch decided that retreat was the better part of valour!

I hope you enjoy the pics -

Jay Jay and Honey check out something used for "agility".

 Leanne's pack was up to no good at the park.
Um, this photo has nothing to do with the preceding pic. Move along, nothing to see here!

  I think its good for human children to have an outdoor hobby in these high tech days.

Sara meets her potential forever Dad at the park.

This young human pup works on his time through the pipe obstacle.

 I, on the other hand, have always felt agility is for the weak minded. I continue my silent protest here.

There is always one show off in the bunch!

Chatting about hounds.

Its very hot here, no line cuts allowed.

Charlie puts on an uncharacteristic dash of speed.

These noisy chaps arrived early to make sure the neighbours were awake.

Leela prefers the personal touch when thirsty.

Here I am after the walk getting ready to visit Grand Dad who is just out of hospital.
Well Readers, that's all from me on this relaxing Sunday. Until next time - Murphy.

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