Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Long Weekend

Hi Readers, it was an extra long weekend for we Aussies this year as the ANZAC day public holiday fell straight after Easter Monday.

We spent the time tidying up the house and making sure that the Hope didn't get into any chocolate eggs as they are toxic to we hounds (or so Dad says, I'm not sure I trust him about that!).

Dad and I snapped some pics of our recreational time outside. I hope you enjoy the photos -

Hope guards her fort as the others sneak up on her.

No Easter bunnies were harmed during the making of this blog.

Homer shows off his classic good looks by striking a pose.

 Prancer and I watching the games.

Listen, do you smell something?

A quick game of chase the pup.

Hope decides that her tennis ball is more fun.

Jess closes in on her quarry.

Jess denies any wrong doing in her game play.

Well, its time for another carob egg so I'll see you all later. Bye for now - Murphy.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bed Warmer

subtitled - "Why you should keep the bedroom door closed when you own a greyhound". Hi Readers, with Mum sleeping in the guest room until she gets over dose of kennel cough, Prancer decided that he could put the spare side of the bed to good use.

Dad was not happy to find that Prancer had heated up his side of the bed for him. Has he no shame (or modesty)?

Prancer makes himself at home while the rest of us make do with our beds on the floor.

I just hope Mum can get him off the bed when she is better! Bye for now - Murphy.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dog's Breakfast at Boondall

Hi Readers, GAP was invited the the Brisbane City Council's dog's breakfast at Deagon today. It was a lovely cool morning and we were able to catch up with heaps of our north side friends. It was really to great to see Blaze and Aimes (who lost a leg to cancer about ten weeks ago and who looked amazing).

I managed to talk the local councillor into adopting a greyhound and generally continued the spread the good word. It was also pup Hope's first promo and she did really well except for meeting the BCC's mascot. She decided that a strategic retreat was in order and hid in the cranky crate until the threat passed.

Mum and aunty Leanne  with Leela, Hope and yours truly.

Fabulous Freddy the former  foster fanboy and Reba dropped in to say hi.

Freddy always loves a cuddle.

Reba is very happy her mum bought her a greyhound to play with.

Hope checking out the action. She was very well behaved and won a lot of hearts.

Me meeting one of the locals.

 A non greyhound life form that scared Hope. The human it had eaten later escaped and came over to apologise.

OK, who opened a tin of greyhound puppies in the park?

Oh great, another puppy. At least Mum and Dad didn't bring this one home.

Kelly a local grey dropped in to say hi and model a very spiffy Aussie racing vest.

After we left the promo we took Hope over to meet her granny and grand dad at Gaythorne (but I'm still their favorite).Well Readers, that's all from me and I'm off to join Hope for a snooze after my busy day. Until next time - bye for now - Murphy.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Greyt Mates Walk @ Toowong.

Prancer and I went to the Greyt Mates walk at Toowong this morning. We arrived at the lovely Anzac Park (that the government wants to turn into a freeway, much to the disgust of the locals) to catch up with loads of friends and their humans.

We even had the agility park to ourselves once the owner of a small fluffy pooch decided that retreat was the better part of valour!

I hope you enjoy the pics -

Jay Jay and Honey check out something used for "agility".

 Leanne's pack was up to no good at the park.
Um, this photo has nothing to do with the preceding pic. Move along, nothing to see here!

  I think its good for human children to have an outdoor hobby in these high tech days.

Sara meets her potential forever Dad at the park.

This young human pup works on his time through the pipe obstacle.

 I, on the other hand, have always felt agility is for the weak minded. I continue my silent protest here.

There is always one show off in the bunch!

Chatting about hounds.

Its very hot here, no line cuts allowed.

Charlie puts on an uncharacteristic dash of speed.

These noisy chaps arrived early to make sure the neighbours were awake.

Leela prefers the personal touch when thirsty.

Here I am after the walk getting ready to visit Grand Dad who is just out of hospital.
Well Readers, that's all from me on this relaxing Sunday. Until next time - Murphy.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday Snoozes

Brother Homer chilling out to some of his favorite music.

Anyway, I'm off to steal his dinner while his is mellowed out - bye for now - Murphy.