Sunday, October 3, 2010

GAP October Walk

Hi everybody, GAP had it's October walk this morning. It was a bleak day in Brisbane but we had a terrific turnout. It was great to catch up with my old hound friends and to meet the hounds that have been recently adopted out.

Mum and the gang enjoyed coffee afterwards and chatted about, well, me of course.

The gang at the beautiful Roma Street Parkland.

  Afterwards at the cafe.

Anyway, I must go and check the Sunday papers and make the most of the rainy weather by having a snooze. Bye for now - Murphy.

1 comment:

Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

That's a great turnout of Greyhounds and happy owner:-) And isn't it wonderful to have a dog-friendly cafe! Just finishes off a good GAP get-together nicely.