Monday, July 19, 2010

2010 Samford Show

Hi Readers,  Prancer and I spent the weekend spreading the good word on GAP Greyhounds at the Samford show with mum & dad. There was a lot to see and do at the show with wood chopping, equestrian events, black smithing all on display. I hope you enjoy the pics -
A young competitor putting her horse through its paces in the ring.
Princess and her wee human spreading the word.
OK kid, hand over the snack and nobody gets hurt. Murphy 2 looks for a hand out.
 Prancer in a still from his new movie "Death of a chip"

Do not adjust your monitor, its Prancer that is tilted. Star laughs as he watches on.

Belle, Licorice and I have a cuddle.

A quiet cuddle with a fan at the end of a long hot day.

 Tabi puts the lean on his Mum at the show.
Clearly the safe driving message isn't getting through out this way.

The axis of evil? No, its only Prancer, Evie and Niki.
The RAAF had to go to plan B as our main line of defence was in the shop having its wooden prop replaced. Watch out for that power line!
Crowd control was established near the GAP stand.
Dad's friend Donna and her new bub Sophia dropped in to say hi.
 Prancer doing the sphinx pose during his yoga routine.
 Evie the foster with another young greyhound convert.
 Evie looking lovely in a garden setting.

Me doing my best Oliver impression while trying to grift  passersby into thinking that I hadn't had breakfast.

A visitor to the stand gets some greyhound luvin'.

Chatting about hounds.

Karen gets cuddled by Prancer.

More visitors find out how great we are as pets.

Jay Jay takes a well deserved snooze.
Mmm... snacks. Star enjoys a treat.

L-O-L-A Lola and Niki spy a friend.
Many thanks to Anitra and Hilary from the Samford show society for their help. Bye for now - Murphy.

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