Thursday, July 29, 2010

2010 Morningside Fair

Hi everybody, GAP was at the Morningside fair on the weekend. Even though it was overcast and rainy there were huge crowds there to see me. I hope you like the pictures -

Streets were closed off and traffic control was in place to handle the crowds at the GAP stand.

Prancer gets a gentle cuddle after a day of being adored.
My two favorite things - Cats and shiny things that move.
Sexy Sally (so called because of her cute overbite and bootylicious curves) befriends a young girl scared of dogs.

Another shot of sexy Sally.
This dragon appeared to keep the evil spirits away. I didn't see it as I was off the stand when it arrived. (perhaps it really does keep evil away?)
Um, I'm not sure what this was all about. Dad says all children are like the one in red regardless of the clothes they are wearing at the time.
The lads welcome me to the festival.

One of these two is a highly intelligent life form, the other one is a clown.
GAP volunteer April and Phoebe take a break.
Prancer with some young admirers.

Me being an angel (everybody knows we greys have wings on our paws, not our backs)

The GAP team ready for action.
A kiss for Prancer from a young fan who wants to become a vet.
Well Readers, next week is the start of the RNA Brisbane show (also known as "ekka" to the locals). Prancer and I will be there so please drop into the Advance dog pavilion to say and put your feet up at the greyhound lounge. Bye for now - Murphy.

Monday, July 19, 2010

2010 Samford Show

Hi Readers,  Prancer and I spent the weekend spreading the good word on GAP Greyhounds at the Samford show with mum & dad. There was a lot to see and do at the show with wood chopping, equestrian events, black smithing all on display. I hope you enjoy the pics -
A young competitor putting her horse through its paces in the ring.
Princess and her wee human spreading the word.
OK kid, hand over the snack and nobody gets hurt. Murphy 2 looks for a hand out.
 Prancer in a still from his new movie "Death of a chip"

Do not adjust your monitor, its Prancer that is tilted. Star laughs as he watches on.

Belle, Licorice and I have a cuddle.

A quiet cuddle with a fan at the end of a long hot day.

 Tabi puts the lean on his Mum at the show.
Clearly the safe driving message isn't getting through out this way.

The axis of evil? No, its only Prancer, Evie and Niki.
The RAAF had to go to plan B as our main line of defence was in the shop having its wooden prop replaced. Watch out for that power line!
Crowd control was established near the GAP stand.
Dad's friend Donna and her new bub Sophia dropped in to say hi.
 Prancer doing the sphinx pose during his yoga routine.
 Evie the foster with another young greyhound convert.
 Evie looking lovely in a garden setting.

Me doing my best Oliver impression while trying to grift  passersby into thinking that I hadn't had breakfast.

A visitor to the stand gets some greyhound luvin'.

Chatting about hounds.

Karen gets cuddled by Prancer.

More visitors find out how great we are as pets.

Jay Jay takes a well deserved snooze.
Mmm... snacks. Star enjoys a treat.

L-O-L-A Lola and Niki spy a friend.
Many thanks to Anitra and Hilary from the Samford show society for their help. Bye for now - Murphy.

Happy Birthday Jess

Its my foster sister Jess's seventh birthday today.
She is a great sister as she loves to play chasey with me while Homer and Prancer can't be bothered.

She is also very mischievous and will be the likely suspect if a toy gets chewed up or a shoe goes missing.

Happy birthday big sis.

Until next time readers - Murphy.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Bath Time !

Hi Readers, after our visit to the waterfront yesterday it was time for a bath today (that little fact wasn't mentioned yesterday).

At least we greys dry quickly unlike our little fluffy sisters.

Our initial reaction to the news.
What a sad bunch of hounds. Much happier afterwards drying off in front of the fire.

Anyway, its back to the fireplace for me. See you next time Readers - Murphy.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

July GAP Greyhound Walk

Hi Readers, it was a chilly start to our GAP walk this morning. We met at the Shorncliffe pier just as the rain stopped and the sun came out.

Some brave souls went for a paddle near the wall watched by a passing gull.
Homer warms up in the early sunlight.
Jay Jay searches for shells on the beach.
The gang on the foreshore.
The boys search the rock pools for wildlife.
The sun says goodbye as we head for home.

Anyway Readers, I'm off for a snooze by the fire. See you next time - Murphy.