Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Of drought and flooding rains

The house of hound was inundated today when one of the largest rain depressions in years moved across south east Queensland.

Mum got home in time to rescue the goats and our old house cow whose heads were just above water when she arrived home and then swam out to rescue them. We lost some of our much loved chickens who drowned when the waters rose so quickly.

Sadly, the riding school next door is missing three of their horses and we've heard that the other riding centre in Burpengary has lost several of it's horses. The RSPCA has bought their boat out to help rescue the animals and the wonderful vets from Dayboro Vets are treating the wounded in the driveway which is the only place with dry land at the moment. We greys were very lucky to be inside but were scared that the waters would keep rising.

Our pool will take some work to restore and I hope our Insurance company will assist us in a speedy resolution to our claim.

As Dorothea MacKellar says in her poem - "I love a sunburnt country, A land of sweeping plains, Of ragged mountain ranges, Of drought and flooding rains" bye for now - Murphy.


GRACE said...

Stay safe my friend

Never Say Never Greyhounds said...

WOW, wishing all of you safe, dry land. I'm sorry to hear you lost some of your much loved chickens, but glad you were able to get to your other animals. I hope the water levels drop very soon.


Zan said...

Sending dry thoughts your way. Very sorry about the loss of your chickens. Stay safe!!