Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Saturday Get Together

The Dog Luver's team got together at Steve & Suzanne's property yesterday to relax and meet the two new additions to our group - Stirling & Georgie the Collie pups who only recently arrived from their breeder in Tasmania. They are very nice pups (for non greyhounds) and they had a great time playing with all the other dogs. Stirling lives with Snip who is a GAP greyhound and Georgie lives with Benson the German Shepherd.

My brothers Homer, Oscar and I all had a great time. I think Homer is a little keen on Springer the GAP greyhound who was adopted by Steve & Suzanne! I have been teasing him about it since we got home.

Dad says that this is what heaven will be like - Lots of dogs and good people. I hope you like these photos of the day. Happy Easter from everybody at the House of Hound.

Georgie & Stirling looking sweet.

Oscar & Snip on patrol

Watching the fun & games!

Benson finds out its harder than he thought to outrun a greyhound!

Mum gets a double lean on from Oscar & I.


Alex said...

Happy Easter!
So many gorgeous black hounds! Greyt pictures , thanks for sharing.

GRACE said...

owwwww how cute are they all. What a lovely time you would of had. I just stayed home all easter and did nothing