Friday, December 26, 2008

It's in Dad's genes, he's doomed!

The photo above is of Dad's paternal grandfather William Gallagher circa 1930 with his greyhounds. His bitch Nelly is on the left and his dog Taffeta (aka Mick) is on the right. Taffeta was a grand champion in the NSW southern highlands.

The photo on the left is Dad's father John Gallagher whose job was to care for the greyhound pups when his Dad was working at the farm. Looks like he would have been busy with those little bundles on the loose!

Its lucky for the fosters and I that Dad has greyhounds in his genes! Its no wonder he is a sucker for our big sad eyes that tell tales of woe (and the need for more snacks of course).


GRACE said...

Hi Murphy,
Yappy christmas. I hope you got lots and lots of presents. Me and Milly got heaps my favourite is the "mooooooing" cow. Hey is Oscar back with you guys and is Homer still around

Alex said...

Greyt blog. I hope you don't mind if I follow along.

IHateToast said...

excellent photos. sometimes older photos seem so earnest. i love these.