Saturday, March 30, 2013

Q.G.B.O.T.A. Members Easter Family Fun Day.

Happy Easter to you Readers, the GAP team was invited by QGBOTA to attend their family fun day and races at the Capalaba Greyhound Club.

It was a terrific opportunity to build our relationship with the racing industry and get more greyhounds into GAP. We met some greyt people and had a lot of fun watching the races. It stirred the racing instinct in the GAP dogs and our humans had to hold onto us very tightly when the lure was running.

Anyway Readers, I hope you enjoy the photos - 

We were grateful for the cloud cover as it was still very warm for autumn in Brisbane.
Our destination was one of only a few straight greyhound tracks that remain in operation.
 The promo team early on in the day.
The QGBOTA team did a greyt job on the BBQ. Thanks for the sausages guys.
Some future GAP dogs in one of the races.
Ozzy awaiting his turn in the jumping castle.
Aunty Gail and mum with QGBOTA members Ralph Chandler and Bob Patching. 
Ozzy had a sip of beer today and promptly fell asleep in Jo's lap.
Me meeting one of the locals.
 Just to prove that I do stand up at promotions (occasionally).
Paula and Murray dropped by for a greyhound fix and to say hi.
 Eddie and Ozzy dishing out the love.
 Ozzy and Dreamy having a snuggle.
Dreamy and Midget having a snooze together.
The Easter Bunny with the GAP team. We let him get away to keep the boys and girls happy tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by Readers, until next time - Murphy.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

March GAP Family Walk.

Go west young man! So we did, all the way to Robelle Parklands at Springfield. The walk kicked off at 07:30 and it was already warm and humid.

Thanks to everybody who came along as its always fabulous to see so many greys walking together.

Family - check, greyhound - check, lets walk!

Yours truly ready to go walk about.
My 10 year old sister Jess joined our walk today. She was a little nervous at first but soon got into the swing of things.
Mum showing Jess how to stand for the group photograph.
 The group photograph!
And they're off and walking.
 "Hey, how did she get in front of us?"
Ozzy chatting to one of the local human pups and his mum at the cafe.
Drinks after the walk.
"Hey dad, wait for me!"
Foster girl Emily gives Mum a big cuddle.
Greyhound semaphore is an ancient art, passed down from father to son.
Cuddles and drinks for our humans post walk.
The water park was just starting up when we arrived.
"Thats not a poo bag, this is a poo bag". Yowser!
Jay Jay gets a cuddle before we headed for home.

Thanks for stopping by readers, as it is so hot today I'm off for a snack and a snooze. Until next time - Murphy.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Happy St Patrick's Day

Top of the morning to you Readers. I've just popped in after my corn beef and cabbage snack to wish you a safe and wonderful Saint Patrick's day.

 Ozzy getting into the spirit of the day.
The last thing I remember is walking past an Irish pub. I guess this always going to happen to a greyhound with Irish lineage named Murphy Gallagher who lives in Kilkenny Drive! I think the beard works for me?

Anyway readers, I need a wee kip about now. May you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows your dead!. Bye for now - Murphy.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Greyhound of the Year Awards

Not happy Readers, not only was my dinner not ready at my required time of 18:00 because Mum and Dad were both out, I find out later that that they had been to the greyhound of the year awards without me. They tried to tell me that I wasn't invited because the venue wouldn't admit greys but I think they were just saying that to calm me down.

So no dinner for me and I found this when they got home. Talk about adding insult to injury.

Mum with my Aunties Gail, Sharon and Pat.

Some of the RQL team with Auntie Gail.
 One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.
Mum with Auntie Gail and the winners of the  football that was auctioned to raise funds for GAP.
Time to get serious and thank our sponsors, supporters and raise awareness of the GAP program. You're welcome!
Some old bloke with Michael Beatty from the RSPCA.
Some of our great staff, volunteers and trainers.

Mum with Mel, David and Sue, some of our greyt adopters and volunteers.
Later in the evening!

I'm glad that everybody had a good time without me. Anyway, I plan on gate crashing the event next year and have my bow tie on order. Bye for now - Murphy.