Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hope & ... Freddy?

Hi Readers, Freddy the former house of hound foster is now Freddy the current house of hound boarder as he is staying with us while his Mum & Dad are on holidays. Dad snapped this picture today of the two "little angels" at rest.

"I want to be as big as you when I grow up" Hope the greyhound puppy tells Freddy.

Anyway, I'm off to silence these pretenders and  prove that I am the cutest in the land. Bye for now - Murphy. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Pet Cafe Hydrobath Day

Hi Readers, it was another very hot and humid day today. Dad and I went to the GAP hound wash at the Pet Cafe Albany Creek. Business was steady and Auntie Karen and Dad washed heaps of pooches while I supervised.

I hope you like the pics!

At the Pet Cafe.

Leanne searches for some spa power.

Birthday girl Jess minds the hounds.
Karen and Jess spritz up a GAP foster.
Talking about hounds.
Dr Karen's all natural spa products

Always check the label before washing your hound to avoid shrinkage.
Me keeping an eye on the pet food situation.
Eau de humanity, for the love of God , no! No amount of spa treatment will get this pooch into the bath.
Presley dropped by for a cheese burger and hydro bath.
Jack has a cuddle after his bath.

Anyway Readers, I got a touch too much sun today so I am off for a snooze before dinner. Until next time - Murphy.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Unseasonably Hot Day + Juvenile Hound + Water = Fun!

Hi Readers, its supposed to by Autumn here but somebody hasn't told summer to pack his bags.

Our foster Jack thought he might help Dad cleaning the dogarium. Not much work got done but he had a great time not doing it.

I hope you enjoy the pics.

 Timing is everything when hunting your prey.

Anyway, the water put up a valiant fight but Jack eventually won out. He is inside now trying to steal peanut butter from Homer. Such energy.

Bye for now - Murphy.