Monday, November 15, 2010

Just Spotted

Hi everybody, I thought you might like to see what I just spotted in one of our gum trees.

Its great to see the little guys back as we didn't see too many last year.

Anyway, as the koalas are most active at dawn and dusk I'm off to see if I can spot anymore. Bye for now - Murphy

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Manly Walk

Hi Readers, Prancer and I joined mum and dad at Manly yesterday for the November GAP walk. There was a great turn out and we greys got a lot of attention from the greyhound muggles (non greyhound folk) that were there.

I hope you enjoy the pictures -

It was another beautiful Brisbane spring day for the walk.

The coast guard were on hand to provide security.

 Whipple the whippet joins the parade.

Lil' Ellie gets a pat while Oskar play bows to show his dad he can do cute as well as anybody else.
 But not as well as me, of course.

Many, many hounds along the waterfront.

I get a pat from Kylie during the walk.

Honourary greyhound and GAP testing dog Harvey finally gets noticed amongst the greys and gets some loving.

Pixie the foster who is waiting on a green collar and forever home.
The gang at the walk (we are going to need a panoramic camera soon).

Swapping pics of the fur kids!

A nice paddle at the end of a long walk. Scully gets her paws wet.

After the walk we went for coffee at the local fish cafe, it was a greyt way to finish off the day. Anyway readers, I must help dad with the dogarium he is building. Until next time - Murphy.